Get in Touch
Thank you for visiting my website! I welcome any inquiries or discussions related to my research and interests in AI and human interactions, computational social science, and high-level philosophical questions regarding the relationship between technology, society, and people.
Research Interests
My work focuses on understanding the multifaceted interactions within the human-technology paradigm. I am particularly interested in:
- Human-Centric Design: Exploring how to create AI systems that respond effectively to user needs and preferences.
- Computational Social Science: Analyzing social phenomena through computational methods to better understand human behaviors and interactions in digital contexts.
- Technology Acceptance and User Experience: Investigating how users perceive, adopt, and engage with emerging technologies, identifying barriers and opportunities to enhance usability and foster smoother adoption across diverse user groups.
- AI for Social Good: Leveraging AI tools, such as large language models, to address real-world challenges and enhance decision-making processes.
- Responsible and Ethical AI: Developing frameworks and methodologies to ensure AI applications are aligned with human values and societal norms.
Collaboration and open dialogue are essential in advancing our understanding of the intersection of technology, innovation, society, and people. Whether you are a fellow researcher, a student, or simply curious about my work, I would love to hear from you!
Contact Information
Please feel free to reach out to me via email:
Email: zhiqiujiang at gmail dot com
Looking forward to connecting!